HomeInsuranceTop 10 Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana (PMJAY)

Top 10 Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana (PMJAY)

The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), formerly known as the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, intends to be one of the biggest health insurance programmes in the world.

Here are the top 10 advantages that the PMJAY programme has for the country’s healthcare system as a whole and for the most disadvantaged members of society.

1. A family’s healthcare is covered for Rs. 5 lakh.

The Ayushman Bharat Yojana, introduced by the Prime Minister in September 2018, intends to serve 50 crore participants. For families that are below the poverty level, it offers a health insurance plan worth Rs. 5 lakh. The annual premiums are split 60:40 between the federal and provincial governments, making health insurance free.

Read More: Ayushman Bharat Yojana (PMJAY) – Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

2. Coverage of all families recorded in the SECC database

Beneficiaries of the programme are selected using data from the 2011 Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC). Eight crore of the ten crore beneficiary families reside in rural India, while two crore do so in metropolitan regions.

3. Giving older people, women, and girls more importance

As this health insurance is universal, there are no restrictions on family size or age. The programme also has a specific emphasis on women, children, particularly girls, and people over 60.

4. It consists of tertiary and secondary care.

The programme enables persons in need to access additional healthcare services provided by specialists including urologists and cardiologists. Furthermore, advanced medical care such as cancer therapy, cardiac surgery, and other procedures are also covered.

5. Coverage of all existing diseases

In contrast to most other insurance policies, the PMJAY mandates treatment in all public hospitals and covers pre-existing conditions. As a result, people who need medical attention cannot be turned away.

6. Registration and administration that is cashless and paperless

By eliminating out-of-pocket costs, PMJAY wants to completely cashless the process of paying for healthcare. Beneficiaries of the PMJAY programme can also access medical care throughout India.

7. Significantly lower out-of-pocket expenses

To prevent any corruption or service delays, all public and accredited private hospitals have been instructed to refrain from charging any additional fees to any PMJAY beneficiaries for medical care.

8. Involvement of the private sector in advancing public health objectives

The programme will use private healthcare providers to purchase services because it covers such a wide population. This plan is anticipated to promote the creation of more reasonably priced medical supplies and medications.

9. The population’s quality of life is improving

By ensuring that they receive prompt attention and resources to address their health difficulties, this programme will raise the standard of living for the less fortunate members of society.

10. Extending the network of health insurance

PMJAY will improve infrastructure in rural and underserved locations around the nation and increase access to healthcare for more Indians. With the PMJAY health cover, the government has developed 1,350 medical packages that include daycare treatment, surgery, hospitalisation, cost of diagnosis, and medications.

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